The RPG-HATPRO is situated on the roof of a nine-floor university building in Innsbruck. The microwave radiometer operates at two different frequency bands to retrieve vertical profiles of temperature and humidity. It is set up to alternate between vertical measurements and scans along the axis of the Inn Valley to add more information in the boundary layer. Information on the retrieval algorithm can be found in Massaro et al. (2015).

Site characteristics
Coordinates: 47.2643°N, 11.3853°E
Altitude: 612 m
Status: operational since September 2012
- Meteorological variables (wind, humidity, temperature, pressure, and a rain flag) from the meteorological sensors of the HATPRO; uncorrected raw data, no quality checks employed.
- RETRIEVAL_Humditiy
- Absolute humidity up to a height of 10 km based on the retrieval described in Massaro et al. (2015)
- RETRIEVAL_Temperature
- Temperature up to a height of 10 km based on the retrieval described in Massaro et al. (2015)