- Latitude:
- 46.779
- Longitude:
- 10.840
- Altitude:
3216 m a.s.l.
This station was installed in the framework of the 350 years of University Innsbruck anniversary project Ötzi und das Klima in Ocotber 2018 at an altitude of 3216 m a.s.l. to investigate the climate conditions at the place where Ötzi was found. The station is still operating.
Station Tisenjoch after installation in October 2018.
Picture from the webcam at Tisenjoch AWS to the Ötzi reference (foto-webcam.eu).
Station at Tisenjoch 19.07.2022 with new temperature/humidity sensor
Station Equipment
- Logger:
- Campbell CR1000x
- Air Temperature and air humidity (2,40 m above ground)
- Vaisala HMP45: Temp, RH ventilated at 2,55 m. height of sensor HYGROVUE10 TEMPERATURE & RH PROBE (SDI-12) : Temp, RH unventilated at 2,42 m (height of sensor); MET20 small unaspirated radiation shield
- Radiation (3 m above ground):
- Apogee SN-500: LWin, LWout, SWin, SWout
- Wind sensor (4 m above ground):
- Young 05103: wind speed and direction at xx m height
- Snow height (sonsor 1,395 above ground):
- SR50: snow height, ablation, distance to ground
- Digital Camera:
- Canon EOS1300D Spiegelreflex mit EF-S 18-55mm Objektiv
- Ground temperature:
- Pt100 resistance thermometer 1: sandy material, 3-5 cm below ground
- Pt100 resistance thermometer 2: in a cavity appr. 30 cm below ground
Station History
- October 2018: installation of the station
- 19.07.2022 Installation of unventilated temperature/humidity sensor and replacement of defect ventilation
- 19.07.2022 Measurements of both sensors available in dataset “T/RH comparison”; “t_air_1” (ventilated temperature 10 min samples) missing but included in raw data (143_tisenjoch_table1.dat)