Hintereisferner HEF30
Weather station on Hintereisferner at 3030 m. Identical to snow pit location Teufelsegg. Designed as summer and winter energy balance station, thus tall mast and equipped with a Hydroinnova snowfox for cosmic ray neutron sensing for continuous snow water equivalent measurements.

Site characteristics
Coordinates: 46.7910 / 10.7487
Altitude: 3030 m MSL
Slope angle: 6°
Slope orientation: NE
Surface characteristics: glacier ice
Status: operational since 18th October 2021
Power supply: 10 W solar panel and 60 Ah battery
Datalogger: Campbell Scientific CR1000x
Current Station Equipment
- Data logger:
- Campbell Scientific CR1000x
- Air Temperature and humidity:
- Rotronic HC2AS3: Temp, RH unventilated in Met20 unventilated radiation shield; 2.50 m and 4.50 m above ground.
- Radiation:
- Kipp&Zonen CNR4: four component radiometer; ~ 5 m above ground
- Anemometer:
- Young JR 04101: wind speed and direction; 5.50 m above ground
- Pressure:
- Setra278 CS100: atmospheric air pressure
- Distance to surface (snow depth)
- Campbell Scientific SR50; distance to snowfree ground: 5.00 m. Use snow free time to prove this value for correct snow depth calculation.
- Solid particle flux (wind drifted snow):
- ISAW FlowCapt FC4 (broken due to heavy snowload in winter 2023/24 and removed 07 Sep 2024)
- Cosmic ray neutrons:
- Hydroinnova snowfox
- Tripod and mast:
- Campbell scientific CM120
Station History
- 18th October 2021: Installation of the station.
- July 2022: Station fallen over.
- 22nd September 2022: Station re-errected and feet fixed to concrete blocks.
- 15th August - 10th September 2023: Used as tower for 3 levels of 3D anemometers for HEFEX II campaign. Slightly repositioned on 10th September, moved ~10 m upglacier.
- 26th April 2024: Replaced SR50 membrane.
- 07th September 2024: Removed FlowCapt.
- 22nd October 2024: Replaced battery and fixed lose guy wires.
Data Quality notes
- Reject data July 2022 - 22nd September 2022 as station was fallen over.
- Outgoing radiation fluxes might be affected during HEFEX II campaign (15 Aug - 10 Sep 2023) as 3D anemometers were mounted below radiometer.