Shallap glacier
- Latitude:
- -9.48924416
- Longitude:
- -77.3381
- Altitude:
- 4790.0 m a.s.l.
The station was installed in the framework of the FWF DACH project I 900 in July 2010 on the glacier Shallap in the Cordelliera Blanca in Peru at an altitude of 4790 m a.s.l. to investigate the contribution of glacier melt to total runoff in the region. The station operated until September 2012 and was visited several times by the team around project leader Georg Kaser and Wolfgang Gurgiser.
Station setup:
- Figure 1: 25.7.2010 - 23.6.2011 drilled into the ice
- Figure 2: tripod on the ice surface after 24.6. 2011
Figure 1: Station Shallap glacier after the installation in July 2010.
Figure 2: Station Shallap glacier after 24.6.2011
Station Equipment
- Logger:
- Campbell CR1000
- Air Temperature and air humidity:
- Vaisala HMP45: Temp, RH unventilated with gill shield after
- Radiation:
- Kipp&Zonen CNR4: full radiation measurements LWin, LWout, SWin, SWout
- Wind sensor:
- Young 05103: wind speed and direction
- Pressure:
- Setra CS106: atmospheric air pressure
- Distance to surface (accumulation, ablation measurements)
- Campbell SR50
Station History
- July 2010: installation of the station with drilled tupes (see figure 1)
- June 2011: Station instruments changed to a tripod!
Data Quality notes
station shows major datagaps, be aware that station is inclined often.
- Uncorrected raw data as it is transfered from the logger, no quality checks employed.