- Latitude:
- -9.536998
- Longitude:
- -77.582700
- Altitude:
3665 m a.s.l.
This station was installed in the frame of the AgroClim Huaraz project in November 2019 in the Cordelliera Negra in Peru at an altitude of 3665 m a.s.l. in the village of Chincay. Unfortunately the station was dismantled a few months later.
Station Chincay after installation in November 2019.
Station Equipment
- Logger:
- Campbell CR300
- Air Temperature and air humidity:
- Vaisala HMP45: Temp, RH unventilated at 2 m. height with gill shield
- Radiation:
- Apogee SN-500: LWin, LWout, SWin, SWout
- Wind sensor:
- Young 05103: wind speed and direction
- Precipation:
- HOBO Pendant tipping bucket
- Soil temperature:
- Pt100 resistance thermometer 5, 15 and 35 cm depth
Station History
- November 2019: installation of the station
- February 2020: dismantling of the station
Data Quality notes
- Uncorrected raw data as it is transfered from the logger, no quality checks employed.