Artesonraju glacier


4797.0 m a.s.l.

This station was installed in the framework of the FWF project P 16113 in March 2004 on the glacier Artesonraju in the Cordelliera Blanca in Peru at an altitude of 4797 m a.s.l. to investigate the glacier climate interaction. The station operated until May 2013 and was visited (and moved) several times by the team around project leader Georg Kaser (ACINN, former Innsbruck Tropical Glaciology Group at the Institute of Geographie).

Image missing

Station Artesonraju glacier after the installation in March 2004.

Station Equipment

Campbell CR10X until 07/2004; CR23X until 05/2013; new: CR1000
Air Temperature and air humidity:
Vaisala HMP45: Temp, RH unventilated at 2 m. height, with gill shield after 07/2010
Kipp&Zonen CNR1: with full radiation measurements LWin, LWout, SWin, SWout until 03/2010 Kipp&Zonen CNR4: after 03/2010 with full radiation measurements LWin, LWout, SWin, SWout
Wind sensor:
Young 05103: wind speed and direction
Setra CS106: atmospheric air pressure from 07/2010
Distance to surface (accumulation, ablation measurements)
Judd until 07/2010 Campbell SR50 after 07/2010

Station History

Data Quality notes

station shows major gaps from:
  • 01/2007 to 03/2007,
  • 03/2010 to 07/2010,
  • 02/2011 and from
  • 08/2011 to 05/2012
Setra CS106:
atmospheric pressure: not operating from 02/2011 to 05/2012.
Judd and Campbell SR50:
datagaps, erroneous data due to tilt/melt out of mast.


Uncorrected raw data as it is transfered from the logger, no quality checks employed.