Artesonraju carac moraine


5050.0 m a.s.l.

This station was installed in the framework of the FWF project P 16113 in July 2004 on a moraine in the Cordelliera Blanca in Peru at an altitude of 5050 m a.s.l. to investigate the glacier climate interaction. The station operated until May 2012 and was visited several times by the team around project leader Georg Kaser (ACINN, former Innsbruck Tropical Glaciology Group at the Institute of Geographie). To investigate the altitude of the snow line and change in the albedo two automatic cameras taking two pictures a day where installed at the station (see figure 2 and 3).

Image missing

Figure 1: Station Artesonraju Caraz moraine after the instalation in July 2004.

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Figure 2: Picture from the automatic camera installed at the AWS Caraz moraine to glacier Artesonraju.

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Figure 3: Picture from the automatic camera installed at the AWS Caraz moraine to Pirámide and Nevado Chacraraju.

Station Equipment

Campbell CR10X
Air Temperature and air humidity:
Vaisala HMP45: Temp, RH ventilated at 2 m. height, first sensor covered by protection shield, operation started 05/2006
star pyranometer: SWin radiation until 06/2011
Wind sensor:
Young 05103: wind speed and direction until 06/2011, a lot of gaps - periods without working sensor
Setra CS106: atmospheric air pressure from 05/2006 until 05/2012
Automatic Cameras:
Two automatic cameras take picture from the glacier Artesonraju and Chacraraju (Cam1 and Cam2) twice a day. Data are poor and thus not included in the dataset.

Station History

Data Quality notes

Data gaps:
no major datagaps during the whole time series except in July 2005.
HMP45 sensor:
RH, RH__vent, Temp, Temp__vent:
2004-07-17 14:08:00 until 2006-05-17 14:08:00 shield casing not removed! short time variability is absorbed. Still, the most homogeneous dataset of temperature and humditiy measurments over the whole period.
Setra CS106:
atmospheric pressure: dataset highly questionable.
Young 05103:
datagaps, sometimes wind sensor is rotating with noice


Uncorrected raw data as it is transfered from the logger, no quality checks employed.