Paria Telemetrie - former Paria
- Latitude:
- -8.97176485
- Longitude:
- -77.6006049
- Altitude:
- 4450.0 m a.s.l.
Extention of the station Paria to a full AWS in July 2011
Station Paria Telemetrie after the extention of the Station Paria to a full AWS in July 2011.
Station Equipment
- Logger:
- Campbell CR1000
- air Temperature and Humidity:
- Vaisala HMP45 with gill shield
- Wind speed and direction:
- Young 05103
- Precipitation:
- Ott precipitation balance without heating and self draining mechanism
Station History
- 07/2011: station extented to a full AWS and equiped with an iridium sattelite telemtry (station Paria-telemetry)
Data Quality notes
- station worked only during the day due to battery problems:
- 07/2011 to 05/2012
- Uncorrected raw data as it is transfered from the logger, no quality checks employed.